They said I could not combine a B1G1 sale and use a B1G1 coupon with it. I knew the policy and I could. I did not have my policy with me so I tried to explain to the cashier yes you would get paid off of the coupon. She was not going to move and I left my stuff for her. Very Nicely
Fast forward to today. I called and talked to the Asst Manager. To make this short and sweet she ended up calling corporate. I called back and she said that due to all the fake coupons and people wiping out there shelves that put this rule into affect. They would honor my coupon if I would come back in.
This is why it is SOOOO important to know your store rules. SCORE 1 for the little guys for now. Please don't clean out the shelves and know where you get your coupons. Even if you want to go back a couple of time to do the deal over give it a day or so so they can restock.

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